Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Saga Continues

Yep, more "Karen" news...

Last week, the day after I wrote to her new fake Tawanda Yahoo account, which said she was single and going to Mexico in September and asked "Wanna come?" to anyone in general, she changed the profile to read that she was in a long-term relationship and removed all references to her new SUV, her new house, and her cruise to Mexico. If she really is in a long-term relationship, then she seduced her latest sucker even quicker than she seduced me, because she just put an ad up on April 23 under her real name on the singles site where I met her. Or, more than likely, she was frightened by the fact that I know her new alias and instead of closing the account like she did when I busted her last year, she decided to try to scare me off by indicating that there is a man with her now, so I better watch my step. Ooh, I'm really scared. Then Sunday night she updated the profile again to say that "we" are all moved into the new house and settling in. She also changed the name of the town she's living in. That's fine. She can create all the stories she wants under whatever profile she wants. It doesn't change anything.

Now for the most unbelievable twist, something I never would have imagined. A few months ago I joined a website called bbwhotornot.com (they recently changed their name to ratingbbw.com due to mean people apparently hacking the previous domain). I don't even remember how I came across the site, but it's just one of those hot-or-not sites where strangers put up their pictures and wait for other strangers to click on a number between 1 and 10 and rate them, except this site is specifically for fat men and women. I already know that I'm not hot, so you can guess why I joined: To see if Karen was on there, since it's a site right up her alley. She can show how big of a whore she is and attract a new clientele that she already knows is attracted to big girls. Well I never found a profile of her on there. But I put a picture up for the hell of it about a month ago, and last night, for the first time since the beginning of the month when my computer crashed, I was looking over the profiles of the women who rated me (you can choose to be put on the list of people who rate someone, whether you rate them good or bad, or you can choose to rate anonymously). Way back on June 7, someone who looked very familiar rated me "average." It wasn't Karen...it was "Rhonda," the ho-bag friend of Karen that went out with us on Valentine's Day last year with a date that wasn't her husband, because the husband kept calling her cell phone wondering where the fuck his wife was on Valentine's Day and she and Karen kept laughing at him. Rhonda is the "official" reason that Karen claims to be promoting lesbian bbw websites, because she's just helping her friend Rhonda after Rhonda helped her out of her "abusive marriage." Rhonda is the person that Karen is sitting next to half-naked on the front of the bisexual bbw website that sent me into the psych ward last March. So you see how big of a role Rhonda played in the history of me and Karen--a very big part. And to know that she already knew that I was on this site, and probably informed Karen, was another big shock in a long line of big shocks. All those anonymous jackasses that have talked shit to me in the comments section of this blog--they may very well be Rhonda and Karen and friends, because there's a link to my Yahoo profile on my ratingbbw.com profile, and in my Yahoo profile, there's a link to this blog. I never intended for Karen to see this blog. I never meant for her to know just how much she hurt me, and I never meant for her to have any kinds of heads-up for when I finally decide to go up there and make her pay for what she did to me. Every time I have ever wrote to Karen, it was using the e-mail address that I initially used when I met her, one that I never update. And it gets worse. The kicker: You can put three or four different pictures under your ratingbbw.com profile. Guess what the third picture under Rhonda's profile is? Yes, that very same picture of her and Karen half-naked and smiling that I saw that fateful Friday, March 19. I never fucking thought I'd see that picture ever again. And now that I have, I can't stop thinking about it.

My mind has been racing ever since last night. How much does Karen actually know and when did she know it? Why did fate make me see that Goddamn picture again after I thought I had purged it from my mind? Did Rhonda even bother to tell Karen about my ratingbbw.com profile? Is it just a private joke between me and Rhonda? Or are they now torturing me through these retarded "anonymous" comments? Why can't I just quit this life and go to another one? Why do I get the feeling that Karen and I will keep finding ways to be intertwined until the day I die? Or the day she dies, whichever comes first?


Anonymous said...


You need some serious help!! If in fact Karen is reading this blog then I think its a good thing. She needs to know how insane you are. I actually feel sorry for her.

Anonymous said...

as far as I am concerned I think you both are crazy and you deserve eachother