Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Just When You Think It Couldn't Get Worse...

My hot water wasn't very hot once the heating crew turned it back on last night, but it was warm enough for me to hop in the shower this morning...until they cut it off mid-lather. Turns out that they were only cutting the hot water today. Once I turned my shower dial to cold, here came the water again. So for the first time since they cut my hot water in my second apartment building in an attempt to force me to move, I took an ice shower. Woke me up, I'll say that. But my genitals are still frozen. One of the guys swore to me that everything would be fixed today, right before they started ripping down one of my walls. I'm getting out of here for the rest of the day before I hurt someone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't hurt 'em. But if you do end up having to move, I'd make the landlord pay...unless you like him/her. Otherwise, I'd call foul on them to the city building inspector's office. If nothing else, the next tenant will benefit from your kicking some ass.